I like the wide format bookshelf.
We got more and more goodies added to our Relto. I have the Er'cana Relto page off. I also have the clock page turned off so that I could stand on this island and get the wide shot of the island. Fireflies from Kemo and the birds both fly around my Relto along with the fireworks from the calendar island reward.
Moving over to the new island that we got with the sparkes, you get to see the entire Relto island. I happened to catch this shot with the sparkly reward shooting off one of the shower sprays and a lightning strike in the background.
My most favorite new place we got to explore in MOUL was the balcony in Ahnonay. From here, you could see the pods and the tramway. If someone moved from one sphere to another and you were standing here, you will see the pods rotate around. The details Cyan gave us were astounding.
A close second for spectacular beauty is the third sphere, Space Ahnonay. The music here is some of the best in the game and I can just sit here and chill out and enjoy the surroundings.
Kadish's unfinished age is a dark, strange place. This picture is a bit lighter than the actual age. This is the link in point and the book pedestal can be seen over across the gap to the left. Another awesome place.
Another beautiful spot is at the end of Er'cana. In this wide shot, you get a great panorama.
Kadish is my favorite age overall. Another favorite place in the game with the beauty and music here.
This is another great, peaceful area. They say you can see a third sun, but I have not seen it.
The entire pyramid is also visible as you walk up the steps. Just awesome.
Gahreesen's first building can bee seen in its entirety in the widescreen format.
Gahreesen's second building can be seen as you swing around on the end of the walkway.
One of the early shots of the game showed the floor of the Great Zero. Awesome to get there.
Phil's Relto with a couple of explorers. Inside his Relto hut is something more interesting...
Phil's bookshelf was complete, so very cool. He and Yeesha traveled around a lot.
It is interesting to compare his bookshelf to the one at the top of the page.